Audio Books


White Jacket, or The World in a Man-of-War


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The 1840s were a great time of change worldwide. Rooted in that world of times gone by was one of the world’s most powerful navies, whose history is presented in a unique and engaging manner by none other than Herman Melville – author of Moby Dick and a very capable sailor in the US Navy during those times. He was not only aware of all the ins and outs of life on a Navy sailing vessel, but also managed to outline them in a very capable and somewhat entertaining fashion.

More of a presentation than a novel, White Jacket, or the World in a Man-of-War, paints a clear picture of the lives of sailors and officers and the various activities that needed to be performed on a daily basis. The book offers a detailed outlook on events as they occurred in the early 1800s affecting the military, political and social aspects that influenced the US Navy and particularly the individual sailors themselves.

While taking us through each cabin, as well as the chores, habits and lifestyles of each sailor and officer on the Navy ship Melville actually served on, the book is also a powerful political statement against the disrespect and unfair attitude directed towards sailors in those times.

The author has a very keen and subtly sarcastic style that you will likely need a little time to pick up on. Many readers find that they have to reread some of the passages in the book again and again before grasping the full meaning of Melville’s words, while the entire book has elements of insightful humor, as well as the ability to convey striking concepts and messages regarding the somewhat tragic state of the Navy as it was perceived in those times.

White Jacket, or the World in a Man-of-War, is one of the most unique and insightful books on life in the navy ever written, and with Melville’s remarkable approach to tackling the subject, you are definitely in good hands while reading this book, from start to finish.
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