Audio Books


Two Years and Four Months in a Lunatic Asylum


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Following a Reverend’s Two Years and Four Months in a Lunatic Asylum

Two Years and Four Months in a Lunatic Asylum is a book by Reverend Hiram Chase describing his troubles and experiences he had to go through while in the Utica Asylum.

Hiram Chase had been a reverend in a small town named Utica for many years, and he had many followers and people who appreciated him and his work. But dark times fall upon him and he eventually gets taken to an Asylum.

The book Two Years and Four Months in a Lunatic Asylum follows the internal struggles and the disturbing experiences of Hiram Chase while being taken as a mad man. The emotional battles fought between four walls are well documented in the book, even though it was written about 3 years after the Reverend got out of the asylum.

Although the exact cause for him being taken to the Asylum are not clear, he somehow points to his wife. He also admitted to have been reluctant to write the book since when he got out of the Asylum, he did not wish to mix the troubling and disturbing two years spent there with his work and efforts to reintegrate into the society.

Hiram Chase follows his steam of consciousness as he feels as if both his mental and physical health deteriorates. He describes the small asylum in Utica, his daily routine, negative experiences as well as interactions with the people there, some of them becoming close friends of the author.

While the book did not gain a lot of popularity at the time since there were other books treating similar experiences, Two Years and Four Months in a Lunatic Asylum is a genuine documentation about one religious man’s passing through a mental hospital and his struggles with himself and the system at the same time.
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