Audio Books


The Reluctant Dragon



How to Befriend a Dragon – The Marvelous Tale of The Reluctant Dragon

Ever wondered whether or not dragons really existed at some point in the legendary days gone by, when kings, queens and wizards ruled supreme? This 1898 children book written by Kenneth Grahame entertains that notion, talking about the unique experience of a young boy meeting and befriending a real dragon who was very different from what most children stories would make dragons out to be.

Taking place in the area of Oxfordshire where the author used to live, The Reluctant Dragon tells the tale of a boy who befriends a mild mannered, intelligent dragon. Although the two become best of friends, the dragon is soon discovered by the townspeople, who summon St. George to slay the dragon (according to legend, St. George actually did defeat a dragon a long time ago, in that area).

Fortunately, the boy manages to show St George that the dragon is harmless, and the two eventually decide not to fight. In order to keep the people of the small town satisfied, however, St George and the dragon stage a fight during which the dragon is defeated. After that, St George himself introduces the dragon to the townspeople, and assures them that he is completely harmless.

Although the Reluctant Dragon is a book that started out as a small chapter in one of Grahame’s past works called Dream Days, it became an even bigger success than the original book itself. Throughout the years, this lovely little story continued to captivate children’s imagination worldwide, while also leading to some successful televised productions, a children’s operetta and even a puppet version that came out in the late 1960s.

If you want your kids to have lots of fun expanding their imagination, while learning about the responsibilities of friendship and the importance of keeping an open mind and heart, The Reluctant Dragon is definitely one of the best books you can start with.
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