Audio Books


The Red Badge of Courage; An Episode of the American Civil War


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Acknowledged by many critics as one of the most innovative writers of his age and generation – the end of the 19th century – Stephen Crane had a unique way of grasping heroism and depicting it with deeply humane colors. The Red Badge of Courage paints a complex picture of what life was like for the soldier in the Civil War and it offers a psychological portrayal enriched with allegorical overtones, too.

The story of the novel takes place during the American Civil War. The protagonist, Henry Fleming, an eighteen-year-old private of the 304th New York Regiment leads his fellow soldiers to a victory over the Confederates. The plot seems simple, but in fact it is not. The detached, often sardonic, sometimes impressionistic and humorous style of the novel brings the universe of war close to the reader and offers the possibility to reflect upon courage, heroism, manhood, the conflict between self-preservation instinct and the interests of the community.

The experiences of going to battle inevitably make the protagonist reflect on his own mortality and the value of life as such, which, will, also inevitably, accelerate the process of growing up. The novel depicts Fleming’s emotions realistically and it also provides naturalistic accounts of the battle he participates in as well – the reader is taken to witness the bloody cruelty of death and the descriptions get so real at times that you can hear and smell the guns and you can hear the screaming, too.

The Red Badge of Courage is an astonishingly realistic war novel. The battle described is fictional – the novel most probably drew inspiration from accounts on the Battle of Chancellorsville that took place in May, 1863 – but the passion and the realism of the description, teamed with wonderful character depictions and detailed psychological insight, are qualities that make the novel a wonderful experience.
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