Audio Books


The Prince and Betty


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Anyone who has read the novels of P.G. Wodehouse will certainly expect a load of tongue in cheek humor in The Prince and Betty. While not containing the same humor that has made Wodehouse one of the most read humorists of the 20th century, this novel certainly creates an interesting portrayal of an unlikely love story that ends with a twist.

The story starts with a millionaire called Ben Scobell who decided to build a casino on a relatively quiet island in the Mediterranean sea. The small island of Mervo – an independent republic – is unlikely to benefit from the construction of a casino, but Scobell thinks otherwise. However, once he completes the project he realizes that there aren’t any rich people on the island to come to the casino. He devises a plan to reinstate the heir of the throne. He finds it in John Maude – a half-American who has no idea what he is used for. Another person who doesn’t have a clue about what is happening is Betty- Ben Scobell’s stepdaughter. She is called on the island, and only once she arrives she learns that the plan is to have her marring the newly-appointed John Maude to create some news worthy of royalty. However, the millionaire has no idea that Betty and John had already met previously when they had a love affair.

Betty has no intent to marry John just to fit in the unscrupulous plan of her stepfather. She flees for New York where she gets hired as a stenographer at a local newspaper called Peaceful Moments. However, things are about to become less than peaceful with the editor falling ill, John coming to reclaim his lost love and the appearance of Psmith – Wodehouse’s beloved character. The Prince and Betty is certainly no love story and it will appeal to anyone regardless of whether they’re a Wodehouse fan or someone looking or a quality book.
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