Audio Books


The Innocence of Father Brown


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G. K. Chesterton is one of the only authors who managed to write a mystery novel that may be even more enjoyable when you read it the second time than the first. Although the mysteries that Father Brown solves are extremely enjoyable, and you’ll have a pretty hard time guessing his solutions before he presents them, the entire book is somewhat of a thought experiment, making a powerful point about people and their oftentimes rash assumptions about each other.

The Innocence of Father Brown introduces a fascinating character: a priest with a keen sense of observation and outstanding analytical mind, who manages to solve crimes and find culprits that the so-called experts around him are scarcely even able to keep up with. Father Brown’s unimpressive demeanor and appearance make him an easy target for the comments of people who don’t know him, and who soon learn to swallow their words when they observe his remarkable deduction skills in action.

The idea of a priest solving crimes is not necessarily one that was 100% original, but Chesterton’s approach to the story and the strong points he makes through each case that Father Brown solves will appear to be quite impressive. You’ll be surprised to see that even when you read them multiple times, the mysteries will never bore you. In fact, you’ll discover more and more intriguing details that have escaped you the first time, and Chesterton’s specific perspectives will be even better understood when you already know who the culprit is or how the case is solved.

The author delivers a strong message about the oftentimes flawed and most times condescending assumptions and beliefs that some people have formed around their idea of what it meant to be a Christian in that time. The book will, therefore, be an interesting and thought-provoking read to both mystery literature enthusiasts and those in search of a somewhat less conventional approach to the Christian Faith.
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