Audio Books


The Gods of Mars



The Gods of Mars – An Exciting Sequel Worth Picking Up

Fans of the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs may already be acquainted with the author’s exceptional work in portraying a successful science fantasy novel known as The Princess of Mars. The Gods of Mars is a remarkable sequel to this story, featuring John Carter’s return to Mars and his newfound adventures alongside his trusted friend Tars Tarkas.

Shedding more light on the dynamic manner in which life unfolds on Mars, this exciting fictional novel uncovers a new and sinister race of self-proclaimed gods called the Therns, that exploit and enslave the Barsoomians, and are in turn ruled by Issus, a self-proclaimed goddess who controls them through communications mistaken for divine revelations.

As Carter and Tars fight for their lives and freedom, they encounter new friends and foes, leaping from battles to revolutions and being imprisoned, in one of the most exciting and fast paced novels written by Burroughs.

Although the book is intended mostly for its sheer quality of entertainment, Burroughs throws his readers many curved balls, some of which can be found throughout his Martian series. He goes to great lengths to set up the stage and make it seem like the tales depicted in his books are actually based on real facts, and at the end of The Gods of Mars, the future of one of the main protagonists is left undetermined, and readers need to read the third novel in the series, The Warlord of Mars, to find out exactly what happens next.

Burroughs has a way of depicting the villains and heroes presented in his novels in a remarkably dynamic fashion, so that you never truly know where the story is going before it gets there. His colorful, dramatic descriptions and narrations will leave you breathless in a true adrenaline rush of battles and adventures set at the very edge of what can be imagined.
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