Audio Books


The Filigree Ball



Anna Katharine Green’s The Filigree Ball is quite exceptional, yet full of action and adventure when an amateur detective wants to establish his own name as an investigator as he takes the case on the Jeffrey Moore affair. This might be his real opportunity to be distinguished and known as such detective who effortlessly decoded and unlocked the case. Where in the headquarters, he was little known and underestimated at times. The story is told by the detective himself, that in the station house one night, when Uncle David came in, as they would call this old gentleman with due respect, and Uncle David reported that there was a light burning in a house which seems to be empty. It was known to be the Moore house that got burned into ashes. The first thought they both have in mind is a possible thief who stole some valuables in the house and set it on fire after. As this story goes, comes complications and bumps you would never expect to happen.

Anna Katharine Green was an American poet and writer. She was among the first authors of fiction books of investigation in the United States and her writings are concise and specifically legal. She was described to be “the mother of the detective novel”. Green was born in Brooklyn, New York. She fell in love into writing when she was still young, she wrote romantic poetry, and she coincided with Ralph Waldo Emerson. Her poetry was not recognized at first, so she wrote her first and famous book, The Leavenworth Case, which gained acknowledgment from Wilkie Collins, and it was the bestselling book of the year 1878. She was ultimately regarded as an author and she wrote and published almost 40 novels.

Anna Katharine Green and Charles Rohlfs got married in 1884. Her husband was an actor, a stove designer, and a furniture maker. He also had a career in theater where he directed a play of his wife’s most famous The Leavenworth Case.
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