Audio Books


The Books of Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Haggai



The Book of Nahum is the seventh book in the Hebrew Bible. Nahum was one of the Twelve Minor Prophets. it was characterized by the prophet Nahum, and possibly written in Jerusalem in the 7th-century BC.

The Book of Nahum is referred to as the “book of vision” and was written at the time of the downfall of Nineveh in the regime of Medes and Babylonians. The Nineveh was the capital of the then great Assyrian empire. Nineveh was a huge city and it was the center of culture and industry of the world.

The Book of Habakkuk is the eighth book in the Hebrew Bible. Habakkuk was among the Twelve Minor Prophets. It was possibly written in Jerusalem in the 7th-century BC.

Habakkuk wrote three chapters of his book with the subjects of a discussion between him and God, an apocalypse of tragedy, and a psalm. Habakkuk expresses that God will use the Babylonian empire to punish Judah for their wrongdoings.

The Book of Zephaniah is the ninth book in the Hebrew Bible. Zephaniah was among the Twelve Minor Prophets. His name means “Yahweh is my secret”.

Zephaniah elaborates on the day of the Lord, expanding this tradition from its first presence in Amos, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Obadiah, and Joel. He describes God’s final judgment as a total destruction and an undoing of creation, opposite to the creation of order of creatures. But Yahweh will save those who humbly seeks His refuge.

The Book of Haggai is the tenth book of the Hebrew Bible. He was also among the Twelve Minor Prophets. His name means “my holiday”.

Haggai sends urgent message to the people to rebuild the second Jerusalem temple. The people’s refusal to build the temple was the key to Jerusalem’s glory, as they seek repentance from God. In the end the temple was built.
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