Audio Books


The Book of Mormon


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The Book of Mormon is a book of sacred writings in contrast to the Bible, made use by Latter Day Saints. It is a chronicle of God’s concerns with the archaic dwellers of the Americas.

The scripture was scribed by primeval messengers by the spirit of divination and epiphany. It has a narrative of two massive acculturations. One derived from Jerusalem in 600 B.C., and then divided into two dominions, called as the Nephites and the Lamanites. The other was much prior when God disconcerted the utterances at the Tower of Babel. This crowd is referred to as the Jaredites. After so many centuries, all were extirpated aside from the Lamanites, and they are included as the antecessors of the American Indians.

Joseph Smith Jr. was a US spiritual leader and founded Mormonism and the Latter Day Saint movement. At the age of 24, Joseph wrote the Book of Mormon. 14 years after he died, he had inveigled countless devotees and formed a spiritual civility that perdured up to now.

Joseph was born in Sharon, Vermont. In the year 1817, he had relocated with his family to what has called as the burned-over district of western New York, an expanse of severe religious resurgence throughout the Second Great Awakening. Conferring to Joseph, he accustomed a series of apparitions, such as one in which he perceived “two personages” presumptively God the Almighty Father and Jesus Christ, His Son and others in which a heavenly being guided him to a hidden book of gold plates indited with a Judeo-Christian account of an antediluvian American acculturation. In 1830, Joseph issued what he stated was an English conversion of these plates, the Book of Mormon. The same year he instituted the Church of Christ, naming it a reconstruction of the ancient Christian church. Members of the church were then referred to as “Latter Day Saints”, or “Mormons”, and in 1838, Joseph declared a divination that retitled the church as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
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