Audio Books


The Autobiography of George Dewey


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George Dewey was an Admiral of the Navy, the only person in the history of the United States to have achieved the rank. Admiral Dewey is mostly recognized for his conquest at the Battle of Manila Bay at the Spanish-American War.

He was born in Montpelier, Vermont, near the Vermont State House, to Julius Yemans Dewey and his first wife, Mary Perrin. Julius was a doctor who obtained his degree from The University of Vermont. He was one of the founders of the National Life Insurance Company in 1848 and a member of the Episcopal Church and was one of the founders of the Christ Episcopal Church in Montpelier. George was christened and went to Sunday school there. George had two elder brothers and a younger sister.

George enrolled in a school in the closer town of Johnson. At the age of 15, he attended the Norwich Military School. The school, often referred to as Norwich University, had been instituted by Alden Partridge and directed at providing cadets a comprehensive military education. George studied for two years (1852-1854). George came across a military role model when he read a life account of Hannibal.

George joined the Naval Academy in 1854. The traditional four-year course had just been presented in 1851 and the cadet corps was rather few, more or less of a hundred Acting Midshipmen. Among all that enlisted in his time, only fourteen remained through the course. He was fifth on the class roll at the graduation rites. He finished studying from the Academy on 18 June 1858.

As a midshipman, George first traveled to sea on a practice voyage in USS Saratoga; on this voyage he was given a recognition as a cadet officer. As an outcome, he was assigned to some of the finest ships of the old Navy, the steam frigate USS Wabash.
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