Audio Books


The Formation of Vegetable Moulds through the Action of Worms with Observations on their Habits



The book best known as Worms, referred to as earthworms, was Charles Darwin’s last scientific book. He studied the earthworm behavior and ecology. The worm ecology was the first important work on soil bioturbation, the reformation of soils and sediments through animals or plants.

The effects of bioturbation consist of changing the texture of soil or diagenesis, the change of sediments of sedimentary rocks into forming another sedimentary rock during and after rock formation. Bioirrigation, the process of benthic organisms flushing their burrows with overlying water, benthic organisms, known as the benthic zone, are the group of organisms that live near the seabed. Another effect of bioturbation is the displacement of microorganisms and non-living particles.

After his extensive work on his natural history collections, the voluminous Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, containing the subjects, mammals and coral formations, Darwin went home in and stayed with his relatives, home of his uncle Josiah Wedgwood. Darwin’s uncle observed in a certain area of the soil where lime and cinders lie had disappeared. Uncle Jos said that this might have been caused by earthworms. His nephew found it interesting and engaged in studying on the works of earthworm transforming coral polyps from the land of the tropical sea.

Darwin presented his theory on worms forming mould with the worms’ role in soil formation. He presented it to the Geological Society of London. His colleagues have doubts about Darwin’s paper, that it is not related to their subject matter, as they expected something more about geology. But the leading geologist William Buckland favored to publish Darwin’s work, as it is a crucial study as it is a new Geological Power.

Charles Robert Darwin was an English biologist, naturalist and geologist, and is famous for his study on the science of evolution. He is known for his books, The Voyage of Beagle and On the Origin of Species.
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