Audio Books


Regulations for the order and discipline of the troops of the United States : part I


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This book was compiled by Baron Friedrich Wilhelm de Steuben, who was Inspector General of the Continental Army at the time this document was published. Assisted in his endeavor by François-Louis Teissèydre, he sought to create a handy, well-organized and easy to read manual containing all the most important regulations that United States troops had to uphold during the American Revolutionary War.

Completed and published in Philadelphia in 1779, the drill manual was to serve the purpose of furthering Steuben’s knowledge and tactics adopted while drilling 120 men as part of a model drill. They were commissioned to go on drilling a much larger number of troops through additional companies until the entire army would eventually be trained using the same rules – the rules included in great detail in the document before you.

The book contains all the continental army regulations used at the time and is also an invaluable key to the strategies and tactics employed by the US military during the war. Infantry drills and tactics, information from the most essential manuals used at the time and Steuben’s own insight and approach to the efficient training of new troops are all included in Part one of the Regulations. For anyone who may be interested in what the army’s protocols were during the war regarding any matter in particular, this book is likely to have an accurate answer to almost anything.

The Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States remained the major handbook for the US Army’s drilling techniques up to the year 1812. Commonly known as the army’s “blue book,” it contains some of the most vital and valuable insight on the military terminology, training techniques and weapons used during the American Revolutionary War, and continues to be crucially important as reading material for history experts and enthusiasts.
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