Audio Books


Fathers and Sons


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Fathers and Sons is perhaps considered as the foremost utterly prevailing work of fiction in Russian Literature; Gogol’s Dead Souls, the other central challenger, is from time to time known as a verse or epic in prose as in the form of Dante’s Divine Comedy. The narrative presents a double personality study, as appeared with the plodding rundown of Bazarov’s and Arkady’s pessimistic antagonism to responsive demonstration, particularly in the instance of Bazarov’s affection for Madame Odintsova and Fenichka. This blatant idea of personality contrast and mysterious psychosomatic vision would wield a weight on many of the finest Russian fiction to go, very recognizably repeated in the works of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev was a Russian author, short fiction writer, and dramatist. His first most important writing, a set of short tales titled A Sportsman’s Sketches, was a momentum of Russian Realism, and his Fathers and Sons is considered as among the noteworthy writings of the 19th century.

Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev was born into a family of Russian proprietors with Tatarroots in Oryol, Russia. His father, Sergei Nikolaevich Turgenev, a colonel in the Russian mounted troops, was a persistent womanizer. Ivan’s mother, Varvara Petrovna Lutovinova, was a well-off heiress, who had an infelicitous upbringing and depressed in her marriage.

When Ivan’s father died when he was 16, he and his brother Nicolas were raised by their cruel mother. Ivan’s youth was sad and wretched, in relentless fright of his mother who hit him time and again.

After the usual schooling for a son of an aristocrat, Ivan went to school for a year at the University of Moscow and later studied at the University of Saint Petersburg, concentrating on Classics, Russian literature, and philology. Then he learned philosophy, especially Hegel, and history at the University of Berlin. He went back to Saint Petersburg to fulfill his master’s studies.
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