Audio Books


Double Falsehood; or, The Distrest Lovers


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This theatrical is derived from a narrative stated in Cervantes’ Don Quixote, and many presume it is a restoration of a missing act by Shakespeare and Fletcher. Duke Angelo and his son Roderick are bothered of the actions of the duke’s younger son, Henriquez. They joined his companion, Julio, as a pry. Before Julio exited for the court, he unwisely solicits Henriquez to assure his matrimony to Leonora.

Lewis Theobald was an English textual editor and novelist. He was a prominent character both in the olden times of Shakespearean editing and in literary comedy. He was crucial for the foundation of fair texts for Shakespeare, and he was the first apotheosis of Dulness in The Dunciad by Alexander Pope.

Lewis Theobald was the son of Peter Theobald, a lawyer, and his 2nd wife, Mary. He was born in Sittingbourne, Kent, and was christened there.

Lewis was brought into the Rockingham domiciliary after the death of his father and taught with the sons of the family, which provided him the foundation in Greek and Latin that made him a scholar in his entire profession. In his earlier days, he became an intern to a lawyer and thereafter became a lawyer in London. Perhaps while on his training, he produced A Pindaric Ode on the Union of Scotland and England and Naufragium Britannicum. His stagecraft Persian Princess, or, The Royal Villain was shown at Drury Lane.

Lewis converted Plato’s Phaedo and was offered a contract by Bernard Lintot to convert the 7 theatricals of Aeschylus. He converted Sophocles’s Oedipus Rex. Lewis also made a composition for the Tory Mist’s Journal. He made efforts to create a subsistence with stage shows and started to collaborate with John Rich at Drury Lane, drafting rigmaroles for him such as Harlequin Sorcerer, Apollo and Daphne, The Rape of Proserpine, and Perseus and Andromeda – a number of these had stage music by Johann Ernst Galliard.
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