Audio Books


Doctor Ox’s Experiment



A classic, effervescent short tale, produced by Jules Verne. It is set in the Flemish village of Quiquendone, where life shifts at an unusually serene tread. Doctor Ox has presented to illuminate the village with a modern effluvium, but veritably has other deals in mind.

Jules Gabriel Verne was a French fictionist, poet, and librettist. Jules was born to illiberal parents in the dockyard of Nantes, where he was taught to be like his father as a member of the bar, but gave up being a lawyer so as to contribute for periodicals and the theater platform. He worked together with writer Pierre-Jules Hetzel that brought to the handiwork of the Voyages extraordinaires, a largely famous series of meticulously looked into scenic stories such as Journey to the Center of the Earth in 1864,Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea in 1870, and Around the World in Eighty Days in 1873.

He is broadly thought-out as a chief belletristic novelist in France and much of Europe, where he has had a huge esteem on the lettered experimental and on hypnagogic. His stature is strikingly contrastive in Anglophone localities, where he has oftentimes been marked as a scriber of categorical tales or stories for the younger people, widely by reason of the vastly curtailed and revised elucidations in which his works are oftentimes replicated.

Jules Gabriel Verne was born in Île Feydeau, a little pretended islet on the Loire River in the town of Nantes, in No. 4 Rue de Clisson, the dwelling of his mother’s grandmother Dame Sophie Allotte de la Fuÿe. He was the son of Pierre Verne, a lawyer from Provins, and Sophie Allote de la Fuÿe, a Nantes lady from a provincial family of course plotters and vessel owners, of faraway Scottish line of ancestry. In 1829, his family relocated about a hundred meters off to No. 2 Quai Jean-Bart, where Jules’ brother Paul was born that very year.
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