Audio Books


Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844


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Condition of the Working Class in England is an 1845 narrative by the German philosopher Friedrich Engels, a research of the industrial working class in Victorian era. Friedrich’s first narrative was initially composed in German as Die Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in England. It was penned in his 1842 – 1844 visit in Manchester, the city at the central part of the Industrial Revolution, collected from his own experiences and listed updated details.

Friedrich debates that the Industrial Revolution made workers depraved. He indicates that in bigger industrial cities like Manchester and Liverpool, death from illnesses like smallpox, measles, scarlet fever and whooping cough was four times that in the adjacent area, and death from convulsions increased ten times. The total mortality rate in Manchester and Liverpool was considerably greater than the national average (1 in 32.72, 1 in 31.90 and even 1 in 29.90, compared with 1 in 45 or 46). An important example presents the rise in the total mortality rates in the industrial town of Carlisle where before the presentation of mills (1779 – 1787), 4,408 out of 10,000 children died before becoming five years old, and after their presentation the digits increased to 4,738. Before the presentation of mills, 1,006 out of 10,000 adults died before becoming 39 years old, and after their presentation the mortality rate raised to 1,261 over 10,000.

Friedrich Engels was a German philosopher, social scientist, journalist, and businessman. He established Marxist theory along with Karl Marx.

He co-wrote The Communist Manifesto with Karl Marx, although he also wrote and co-wrote firstly with Karl, some other books, and then he helped Karl monetarily to do study and make Das Kapital. When Karl died, Friedrich edited the second and third books. Moreover, Friedrich arranged Karl’s writings on the Theories of Surplus Value, which he then printed as the “fourth volume” of Capital.
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