Audio Books


Capital: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production, Volume 1


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Karl Marx was an influential visionary with a brilliant mind, whose insight inspired socialist thinkers for many years to come. His take on capitalism is presented quite faithfully in his detailed work Capital: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production.

The first volume of this expansive book of more than 1,000 pages analyzes topics such as commodity and production, as Marx had perceived them while studying British industry and production – the most successful capitalist industry of his time – for over 30 years.

Marx’s insightful analysis and criticism of capitalism still forces many to pick and choose sides today, as the shortcomings of capitalism are clearly pointed out. Arguing that capitalism seeks to minimize the price and value of commodities, while favoring the ability of some to grow rich, while others are not provided with the due cost of their work as it would be demanded by the value of its labor time, Karl Marx proposes alternatives that, when closely analyzed, show that many potential improvements can be possible.

Marx clearly promotes the importance of building a society in which the production of commodities plays an essential role when determining the value of said commodity. Also, he sheds light on many other potential problems that capitalism could lead to that have been proven as true as the following decades passed by, and even being pointed out many times by socialist thinkers and supporters of Marx’s original philosophy later on, during the 20th century.

There is great intellectual value in this lengthy, but extremely insightful literary work. For anyone interested in both its historical and economic value, its value as a cornerstone of the foundation of modern socialism, as well as its remarkable philosophic insights, you will find that every page of Capital: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production is well worth reading.
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