Audio Books


Bible (Fenton) 11,12,23,24,26: Holy Bible in Modern English, The: 1 Kings-Ezekiel



The two Books of Kings are a number of books frequently known as the Deuteronomistic history, from Joshua through Judges, Samuel and Kings, but not Chronicles, which some biblical academics presume that these were made to specify a doctrinal clarification for the obliteration of the Kingdom of Judah by Babylon in c. 586 BCE and a basis for a reoccurrence from expulsion.

These introduce a narrative of historical Israel and Judah from the demise of David to the liberation of Jehoiachin from incarceration in Babylon of approximately 400 years (c. 960 – c. 560 BCE).

In Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the Bahá’í Faith, Ezekiel is recognized as a Hebrew prophet. In Judaism and Christianity, he is also beheld as the 6th century BCE writer of the Book of Ezekiel that divulges divinations about the ruin of Jerusalem, the restitution to the land of Israel, and what many identify the Millennial Temple visions, or the Third Temple.

The Holy Bible in Modern English, simply called as the Ferrar Fenton Bible, was one of the first translations of the Bible into English as articulated and printed in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Writings on the interpretation commenced in 1853 by a London merchant whose name was Ferrar Fenton (1832 – 1920). The comprehensive Bible was first printed in 1903, though sections were printed as distinct volumes in the earlier 11 years. Ferrar Fenton consumed roughly 50 years writing on his conversion, with his only one objective ‘to study the Bible absolutely in its original languages, to ascertain what its writers actually said and thought’.

Fenton had obtained a wide study and comprehension of old Sanskrit, Greek, Hebrew and Latin through being an outstanding member of the Royal Asiatic Society. As a businessman he also got himself into a number of historical Septuagint and Masoretic copies to help in his interpretation, and he also referred to Brian Walton’s Polygot Bible (1657) for a little guidance.
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