Audio Books


Bible (ABU) NT 01-27: The New Testament



The New Testament has been written with the countenance of the American Bible Union, by the highly proficient scholars of today. It is the second extensive book of the Christian biblical canon, the first one being the Old Testament which is based on the Hebrew Bible. The New Testament narrates the teachings and role of Jesus as a person, and the occurrences during the first century of Christianity. The Old and New Testament are regarded by Christians as sacred scriptures. The New Testament details the gospels, Acts of the Apostles, epistles, and an Apocalypse or the Book of Revelation.

The American Bible Union was founded in the year 1850 by Baptist members of the American Bible Society (ABS) whose Society has the aim to make translations that in their perspective, the translations are more precise and definite with what was originally written. One time where they got confused with other members of the ABS was with the translation of the Greek term baptize. Many of the English language translations such as the Authorized or King James Version, clearly decode the term rather than construe it as “immerse.” From 1852 to 1861, they produced a volume of quarto edition that consisted projected revisions for many of the texts of the New Testament. An entire New Testament was printed setting out in 1862 with a Second Revision printed in 1865. A series of Old Testament volumes was also printed from 1856 to 1884. In 1883 the American Bible Union put an end to their transaction and entrusted their projects to the American Baptists. The American Baptists restarted their activities and produced an Improved Edition of the New Testament in about 1891 and this was produced in two versions, in one baptize is termed as immerse and in the other it remained as baptize. They also printed a concise Bible in 1912.
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