Audio Books


Autobiography Memories and Experiences, Volume 1


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Moncure Daniel Conway was a United States abolitionist, Unitarian, reverend and writer. This first series of his life account embraces about the time when he was born until the last days of the American Civil War.

Moncure Daniel Conway was at many times a Methodist, Unitarian and Freethought clergyman. The profound author came from patriotic and patrician families of Virginia and Maryland settled much of the last 40 years of his life in England and France, where he penned memoirs of Edmund Randolph, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Thomas Paine, along with his personal story, and brought freethinkers in London’s South Place Chapel.

Moncure was born in Falmouth, Stafford County, Virginia, to parents of the First Families of Virginia. Walter Peyton Conway, his father, was a well-off slave-owning aristocrat farmworker, county arbiter and public official, whose dwelling, referred as the Conway House, remains at 305 King Street also called as River Road in the Rappahannock River. Margaret Stone Daniel Conway, his mother, was the granddaughter of Thomas Stone of Maryland, who ratified the Declaration of Independence, and in addendum to watching over their home, also became adept in homeopathy instructed from her physicist father. His parents were Methodists, his dad having departed the Episcopal church, his mom, the Presbyterian, and they accommodated Methodist conferences in their house till a proper church was fully had in Fredericksburg. Judge Eustace Conway, his uncle, supported the nation’s rights in Virginia’s General Assembly also with Walter Conway. Richard C.L. Moncure, his other uncle, worked at what thereafter known as the Virginia Supreme Court and a priest in the Episcopal Church and was prestigious for his virtue and repulsion of prejudice; and his great uncle Peter Vivian Daniel gave his services in the US Supreme Court, where he supported servitude and the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, comprised in the Dred Scott Decision of 1857.
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