Audio Books


Aesop’s Fables, Volume 10 (Fables 226-250)


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As wise as Zen koans and as fascinating as the simplest and most engaging stories you have come across, Aesop’s Fables are perfect for anyone in search of a little added wisdom in a world that often seems to be filled with chaos and confusion.

Aesop was the first to collect these short tales and adapt them in a format that would suit Ancient Greek readers. Throughout the centuries, his works were lost, then redone by numerous authors who sought to uphold the many wise ideals and life lessons conveyed in Aesop’s original work.

The fables include a total of 12 volumes comprising almost 300 short tales about animals, people and ancient gods that always have a deeper meaning and/or an important moral accompanying them. The fables can be excellent for people of all ages to learn from them, and they are also an interesting topic of conversation that has already been dissected by numerous philosophers and scholars throughout the years.

This is the 10th volume of Aesop’s Fables, containing such titles as The Swan, The Fox and His Shadow or Mercury and the Man Bitten by an Ant. These fables explore in greater detail issues such as fairness, trust and the inability to impose one’s own will upon others without consequences.

A good example is fable of The Dogs and the Fox, where some dogs find a lion skin, and the fox reminds them what would happen had the lion been alive. Another story you might find interesting is The Snake and Jupiter, where the complaining snake receives some much-needed advice from the leader of the gods.

Animals, farmers and gods are the main means used in Aesop’s Fables that convey the many hidden messages of wisdom to readers. Adapted to be easy to read and understand even for the readers of today, Aesop’s Fables is one of the most enchanting set of short moralistic tales you will find.
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