Audio Books


Aequanimitas and Other Addresses


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Sir William Osler (1849 – 1919) was a famed medical professional and statesman, who was also one of the four distinguished Canadian professors who became the founders of the John Hopkins Hospital. Osler was the first to create a residency program and train medical school students explicitly how to improve their bedside clinical training.

Aside from being a physician, Osler had many interests that he valued greatly. He was also a historian, bibliophile and author. His students also remembered him as an excellent friend and renowned practical joker who didn’t hold back from having a laugh.

Aequinimitas is Osler’s most comprehensive collection of addresses containing much of the wisdom and essential knowledge he imparted over the years to students and peers. The book contains his approach to topics such as the link between the medical profession and social conduct, the role of women in medicine, the progression of experience versus advancing in age as a medical professional and many other important interests.

Osler speaks in a plain language easily understood by anyone and everyone interested in reading his works even today. He never fails to get his point across, and his speeches about the educational value of medicine, student life, the relationship between nurses and patients and virtually any other subject under the sky that has to do even remotely with medicine, will inspire you to never stop learning and never fail in your resolve to do your very best in life.

Aequinimitas is the perfect inspirational book for someone either looking to start in the medical profession, or who has second thoughts about their resolve in keeping up with studies and overcoming all obstacles on the path to becoming a physician. Osler’s timeless words continue to inspire the newer generations of medical students event today, and they will definitely have something to teach each and every reader who picks up this exceptional book.
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