Audio Books


A Baby Running Barefoot


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A poem full of life and wonders characterized by a cute little baby running with his bare feet in the dewy grass. Her small white feet are comparable to the white flowers in the air, the ripples in the water, a small bird’s chirp, two white butterflies in a flower, flying away with its tiny wings, and alike as the pink peony flowers.

David Herbert Lawrence was an author, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic and painter from England. His artistic collection of works symbolizes a lengthy contemplation on the debasing consequences of modernism and economic development. A few of the matters he deals with are sexuality, emotional health, life itself, openness, and disposition.

He made a lot of enemies with his views and he suffered official persecution, censorship, and misrepresentation of his productive work all through the later part of his life, mostly exhausted in a voluntary exile he described as his savage pilgrimage. When he died, his public repute was that of an obscene person who had misused his significant flairs. E. M. Forster, in an obituary remark, disputed this largely alleged notion, depicting him as “The greatest imaginative novelist of our generation.” Cambridge critic F. R. Leavis then defended both his creative veracity and his ethical importance, enlisting most of the author’s works within the canonical “great tradition” of the English writing.

Though he was most famous for his books, Lawrence wrote about 800 poems, much of those are rather of brevity. His poems, Dreams Old and Dreams Nascent, were two of his initial publications in The English Review. His first writings evidently positioned him in the school of Georgian poets, a group not only classified after the ruling monarch but also to the romantic poets of the former Georgian age whose work they were trying to outdo. What exemplified the whole movement, and Lawrence’s poems of the period, were time worn poetic platitudes and methodically dated etymology.
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