Audio Books


The Female Quixote Vol. 1


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The Female Quixote or The Adventures of Arabella tells the story of Arabella, the star of the story, she was raised by her father in a distant castle in England, her mother died when she was young. She makes herself busy by reading tons of French love stories, and daydreaming about them to be entirely true, awaiting her love story to be exactly exciting and amorous as in her novels. After the death of her father, he decided that she would not be given a part of her share in the estate if she will not marry her cousin Granville. After crazily daydreaming for herself in the country, she stays in Bath and London. Granville is worried at her confounded mindset, but stays in love with her, despite of the fact that Sir George Bellmour, his friend, tries to win her in the similar noble gesture and exaggerated way as in the romantic books. When she tosses herself into Thames in trying to escape from huntsmen whom she thought to be despoilers in a simulation of Clélie, she has gone sick.

This adventure must have been influenced by the French wit, The Mock-Clielia, in which the star, “rode at full speed towards the great Canal which she took for the Tyber, and whereinto she threw herself, that she might swim over in imitation of Clelia whom she believed herself to be.” The Doctor sides with her and makes her realize the conflict of humdrum realism and illusory fiction, and she eventually agrees to marry Granville. In the story, Arabella usually expresses protractedly in justification and about the romance novels and their characters.

Charlotte Ramsay Lennox, (c. 1730 – 4 January 1804) was a Scottish writer and poet. She is mostly commemorated at this moment as the writer of The Female Quixote and for her connections with Samuel Johnson, Joshua Reynolds, and Samuel Richardson, but she had a lengthy profession and authored poetry, prose, and drama.
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