Audio Books


The Greatest Thing in the World and Other Addresses


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The Greatest Thing in the World and Other Addresses consists of these sections: Love, The Greatest Thing in the World; Lessons from the Angelus; Pax Vobiscum; First! An Address to Boys; The Changed Life, The Greatest Need of the World; and Dealing with Doubt. He was with a bunch of colleagues in a country home on my way to England. On Sunday night, as they sat round the fire, they wanted me to read and explain a few parts of the Scripture. Being exhausted after the labors during the day, he said to them to ask Henry Drummond, who was among the bunch. After a few insisting he took a little Testament from his front pocket, scanned it at the 13th chapter of I Corinthians, and started to talk on the topic of Love. This book includes, in adding up to the lecture on Love, many other addresses which he has faith will bring aid and graces to some. Reverend Professor Henry Drummond FRSE LLDFGS was an evangelist, biologist, author and lecturer from Scotland. His books were very eloquently adjusted to the wants of his own time to rationalize the expectancy that they would long subsist it, but some men utilized many spiritual inspirations in their own lineage, particularly on juvenile men. Henry was born at Park Place in Stirling, to William Drummond, a seedsman – establisher of Drummond Seeds, and his wife, Jane Campbell Blackwood. His childhood schooling was at Stirling High School and Morrison’s Academy. Henry was taught at Edinburgh University, where he showed a close interest for physical and mathematical science. The devotional aspect was an even more authoritative element in his nature, and positioned him to be admitted at the Free Church of Scotland. While planning for the ministry, he became for a moment vastly impelled in the evangelizing mission of Moody and Sankey, in which he was an active member associated for two years.

Additional information

Weight 3.5 oz
Dimensions 7.5 × 5.5 × 0.5 in