Audio Books


Brenda, Her School and Her Club


“Brenda was used to getting her own way. Her parents and older sisters spoiled her, her friends followed her lead, servants obeyed her, and she was truly beautiful. That was so, until her cousin Julia (who is everything that she is not) came to live with her family. And that’s when our book starts.” The novel contains: Four Friends; Julia’s Arrival; The Rescue; A Club Meeting; Miss Crawdon’s School; Misunderstandings; Visiting Manuel; Planning the Bazaar; A Mysterious Mansion; A Sophomore; The Cooking Class; Concerning Julia; Great Expectations; The Football Game; A Poet at Home; An Historic Ramble; The Rosas at Home; Merry Christmas; Nora’s Thoughtlessness; Fidessa and Her Mistress; Miss South and Julia; Brenda’s Secret; Almost Ready; An Evening’s Fun; The Bazaar; Great Excitement; A Mistake; Explanations; After Vacation; Brenda’s Folly; and The Shiloh Picnic. Including these illustrations: “the child himself, surrounded by a group of curious girls, clung to Nora’s hand”; “‘oh, i’ll tell you what, girls,–let us work for–manuel!'”; “she was able to rush on and pick them up as they were dashed against a Lamp-post”; “now as julia sat there drinking tea from the quaintest of old-fashioned China cups”; “‘why, brenda barlow, why are you lying in this downcast position?'” Helen Leah Reed is also regarded for these works: The city and the sea: with other Cambridge contributions in aid of the hospital fund in 1881; Miss Theodora: a west end story in 1898; Brenda, her school and her club in 1900 ; Brenda’s summer at rockley 1901; Brenda’s cousin at Radcliffe in 1902; Brenda’s bargain: a story for girls in 1903; Amy in acadia: a story for girls in 1905; Brenda’s ward: a sequel to amy and acadia in 1906; Irma and nap in 1904; napoleon’s young neighbor in 1907; Irma in italy: a travel story in 1908; Memorial day, and other verse; Serbia: a sketch in 1917.