Audio Books


Warlord of Mars



Edgar Rice Burroughs’ John Carter of Mars series of novels are among the most popular fantasy fiction stories ever written. No less than ten total books are part of the series, together with a volume that was put together and published posthumously from Burroughs’ various manuscripts.

Warlord of Mars is the 3rd of Burroughs’ famous Barsoom series, continuing the plot from The Gods of Mars, where Carter’s beloved wife, Dejah Thoris was imprisoned inside the Temple of the Sun by an evil pretender goddess named Issus.

It is now up to Carter to find a way to free his wife. But is she even alive still, or is he simply going to find her cold and lifeless corpse when he finally figures out how to enter the temple? In a thrilling tale of action, adventure, magic and many surprising plot developments that will keep you at the edge of your seat, the story of Carter continues, as the entire focus of the narrative is on him. Burroughs has Carter continue his heroics and pursue his wife’s kidnappers, while attaining near miraculous feats and making friends with many new and colorful characters.

The author once again leads his main character on the path to glorification, as the immortal Carter is viewed as a god among Martians. However, he also provides him with quite a few new challenges that make the story of the Warlord of Mars all the more fascinating.

Whether you want to enjoy a quick read on a train or airplane, or are more interested in taking your time to look into the subtleties of the plot, and find out what Carter’s next move might be before it even happens, Warlord of Mars is an excellent read to say the least. The story remains to this day timelessly entertaining and unique, even as it was written almost a century ago.
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