Audio Books


The Black Star



Johnston McCulley was a man of many pseudonyms who has written plenty of good prose, his most notable achievement being considered the creation of the famed character known as Zorro. Aside from that, however, McCulley managed to animate a few exciting high end pulp action stories through his masterful writing style and ability to alternate plot twists and fast paced action scenes with elegance. One of his most successful novels of this type is The Black Star.

If you’re used to likable villains, The Black Star may at first seem to break the mold, as he is presented as a criminal mastermind with a much more straightforward and cunning approach than most you may have encountered in various adventure stories.

Unlike most Robin Hood type characters that Johnston’s books may have gotten us accustomed to, the Black Star actually keeps the loot he steals for himself, instead of giving it to the poor. However, the plot becomes complicated once the illustrious thief is caught, only to put his captor into an awkward dilemma of choosing whether to turn him over to the police and end up ruining the reputation of his fiancée, or find a way to outwit both parties and come out on top.

Although not an overly complicated detective story, The Black Star certainly brings credit to its genre, and has proved to be a fast paced, fascinating novel that has remained an intriguing read throughout the decades that followed after it was first published. A fun read, featuring likable characters and enjoyable dialogue, this is just the kind of book you can enjoy when you want a good pick-me-up on a rainy day.

The Black Star also features a sequel that has received similarly good recognition. If you simply want to enjoy a great entertaining book that will make you feel like you’re in a world full of action and adventure, however, The Black Star should be more than enough to provide you with the thrills you are seeking.
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