Audio Books


Star Born



Star Born is the second book of the so-called “Pax/Astra” series, written by the famous science-fiction literature author Andre Norton, presents the adventures of a descendent of the Free Scientists who escaped the regime of terror Pax imposed on Earth.

The protagonist, named Dalgard, has Dard Norris, the central character of the first book in the series, as ancestor, inheriting from him the great desire of knowing new things and going to unexplored places. He leaves in an initiation journey, having his friend, Ssussuri of the native population of mermen, as travelling companion.

In the mean time, Earth has been freed from the tyrannical domination of Pax and it is now ruled by a democratic government. Sending a starship to other planets possibly inhabited by those who fled from Terra, with the mission of bringing them the news about Pax’s fall, is among the first things the new leaders do.

Dalgard and Ssussuri are taken prisoners by Those Others, a human-like race, the possessors of an incredibly sophisticated technology that they use almost exclusively for making weapons and hunting down the mermen, seen as mere animals.

A deep disgust and strong disapproval are the two reactions Those Others have when they see a human and a merman being friends, so they decide to throw Dalgard into an arena, to serve as food for some huge beasts looking like dinosaurs.

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