Audio Books


Revelations of Divine Love



Julian of Norwich is one of the first female authors of religious literature known to have produced a remarkable manuscript of revelatory insight of this magnitude. Revelations of Divine Love is a work of religious mysticism offering deep insight on the love and boundless forgiveness of God, in a time when the world was thrown into the grimmest darkness, due to religious schism, numerous wars, the plague and humanity’s basic inability to find its bearings.

A Revelation of Love – as it is also known – is a book written in the 13th century. As Julian was struck with a serious illness, she prayed fervently for God to show her a deeper understanding of the passions of Christ. In the following days, she experienced sixteen powerful visions about Christ and the Virgin Mary, as Julian was miraculously saved from death, and devoted herself to a life of solitude, prayer and religious contemplation.

The book contains these sixteen visions and depicts the suffering of Christ with vivid intensity, as well as the assurance of God’s deep, limitless love for humanity. The Revelations are the first literary work known to be written by a woman, and is seen today as one of the most priceless and original works of mysticism ever produced in history.

Julian’s book became extremely well-known in Christian circles throughout the centuries. Even today, it is known to have had a profound influence on Christian thought. Aside from an account of her visions, Julian of Norwich also included her own interpretation of their meaning, written in a form of English that history enthusiasts will also find remarkably fascinating.

Whether you are more interested in the historical value of the book, or you want to better understand theology through the eyes of a devoted 13th century Christian, the Revelations of Divine Love may help to shed a great deal of light on the deeper issues of life that you may be interested in exploring.
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