Audio Books


How to Care for the Insane: A Manual for Nurses



How to Care for the Insane is a medical handbook written by William D. Granger, M.D. The book was written in 1886, and while many aspects are now considered outdated, it provides the reader with an insightful look at the start of the healthcare profession and how patients were treated back then.

In this medical book, Granger describes a few anatomical and neurologic functions while also detailing the structure of nerves and the likes. He also summarizes a few mental illnesses that were known at the time and puts them into categories such as violent insane, etc.

While this book should in no way be taken as an actual manual for nurses, the information that can be found on it pages can prove to be extremely interesting. Besides the basic introduction into the brain, spinal cord and the most important neurological functions and diseases, Granger also sets forth a few rules for taking care of patients which are “insane”. One of the main ideas found in this book is the fact that nurses will immensely benefit from proper training and instructions when caring for people with mental illnesses. The patients who are being treated will also benefit from this training as it will facilitate a faster recovery and reintegration into the society.

As can be seen in How to Care for the Insane, William D. Granger is a firm believer of the fact that each and every person who is to care for the mentally ill should benefit from instruction of the highest standards. The author believes that by using simple and thorough methods of instruction, nurses can learn how to properly care for people who are in most need of such care. The book is highly informative and entertaining, and it should provide a great reading experience for all those people interested in caring for the mentally ill or in the history of healthcare.
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