
With Frederick The Great: A Story of the Seven Years’ War

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With Frederick The Great: A Story of the Seven Years’ War

Chapter 1: King and Marshal.

It was early in 1756 that a Scottish trader, from Edinburgh,
entered the port of Stettin. Among the few passengers was a tall
young Scotch lad, Fergus Drummond by name. Though scarcely sixteen,
he stood five feet ten in height; and it was evident, from his
broad shoulders and sinewy appearance, that his strength was in
full proportion to his height. His father had fallen at Culloden,
ten years before. The glens had been harried by Cumberland’s
soldiers, and the estates confiscated. His mother had fled with him
to the hills; and had lived there, for some years, in the cottage
of a faithful clansman, whose wife had been her nurse. Fortunately,
they were sufficiently well off to be able to maintain their guests
in comfort; and indeed the presents of game, fish, and other
matters, frequently sent in by other members of the clan, had
enabled her to feel that her maintenance was no great burden on her
faithful friends.

For some years, she devoted herself to her son’s education; and
then, through the influence of friends at court, she obtained the
grant of a small portion of her late husband’s estates; and was
able to live in comfort, in a position more suited to her former

Fergus’ life had been passed almost entirely in the open air.
Accompanied by one or two companions, sons of the clansmen, he
would start soon after daybreak and not return until sunset, when
they would often bring back a deer from the forests, or a heavy
creel of salmon or trout from the streams. His mother encouraged
him in these excursions, and also in the practice of arms. She
confined her lessons to the evening, and even after she settled on
her recovered farm of Kilgowrie, and obtained the se

Product ID: 9781776794034
Sku: 9781776794034