
Violet: A Fairy Story

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Violet: A Fairy Story



Once there was a gardener who lived in an old hut of a house, with one
table inside, and some rough stools, and a large box that served for a
bed, all of which he had made himself.

There was one window; but when it stormed the rain beat in so that the
old lady, his wife, had to pin her shawl against it, and then the whole
house was dark as night.

Every body thought these people poor except themselves; but they had one
treasure which seemed to them better than a whole mountain of gold and
all the splendid houses and gay carriages in the world. This was their
little daughter Violet, whose presence in their home made it beautiful
and stately, and whose absence, they thought, would have made a palace

Violet was not as beautiful as some children. She was pale and slender,
and her soft, light hair did not curl in ringlets, but floated over her
shoulders like a golden veil. But O, she had such beautiful eyes! They
were large, and so bright and clear, and such a deep, deep blue!
Sometimes they made you think of a brook in the shady wood when gleams
of sunshine have found their way to it; sometimes they were like nothing
so much as the violets that grew beside the doorway of her own father’s

The old man had, besides his daughter, a garden, which was dear to him;
and well it might be, for in summer it did one’s eyes good to look at
the blossoms all tangled together, and sprinkled over with great drops
of pearly dew. Roses there were, and lilies, and fox-gloves, and
mignonette, and a great many other flowers that had long names, which
Violet could not remember. Then there were long, neatly-kept beds of
vegetables and sweet herbs, which Reuben–for that was the gardener’s

Product ID: 9781776790906
Sku: 9781776790906