
The Princess Galva

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The Princess Galva



The waning light of an October evening shone on the reflectors outside
the windows of the basement counting-house, and the clerk at the corner
desk could barely discern that the clock on the green painted dusty
wall pointed to a quarter to six.

In fifteen minutes Edward Povey’s twenty-two years of devoted service
in the interests of Messrs. Kyser, Schultz & Company would come to an
end, and the desk in the corner to which he had been promoted fifteen
years ago would by the immutable law of evolution pass into the
possession of his junior. Edward noticed this junior now and the
glances which that young man cast at the scratched and ink-stained slab
of mahogany that was to constitute his kingdom of the morrow. Edward
wondered dully whether the young man was as full of hope as he himself
had been. Perhaps he was waiting to be married even as he, Edward, had
waited fifteen years ago. In those days the era of the Young Man had
not been so pronounced as it is to-day, and it had been death that had
removed his predecessor.

Product ID: 9781776769773
Sku: 9781776769773