
The Pony Rider Boys in the Rockies

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SKU: 9781776768844 Category:


The Pony Rider Boys in the Rockies



"Oh, let me get up. Let me ride him for two minutes, Walter."

Walter Perkins brought his pony to a slow stop and glanced down
hesitatingly into the pleading blue eyes of the freckle-faced boy at
his side.

"Please! I’ll only ride him up to the end of the block and back, and I
won’t go fast, either. Let me show you how I can ride him," urged Tad
Butler, with a note of insistence in his voice.

"If I thought you wouldn’t fall off—-"

"I fall off?" sniffed Tad, contemptuously. "I’d like to see the pony
that could bounce me off his back. Huh! Guess I know how to ride
better than that. Say, Chunky, remember the time when the men from
Texas had those ponies here–brought them here to sell?"

Chunky–the third boy of the group–nodded vigorously.

"And didn’t I ride a broncho that never had had a saddle on his back
but once in his life? Say, did I get thrown then?"

Product ID: 9781776768844
Sku: 9781776768844