
The Nigger of the Narcissus

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Spending a great deal of time out at sea gave Joseph Conrad the insight and knowledge to write numerous well-crafted, highly introspective and dynamic tales about life on sailing ships and everything it entailed. The Nigger of the Narcissus is, at first glance, just a common adventure about sailors battling the raging sea during a challenging storm. However, once you get past appearances, you will find Conrad sets up a far more deeper series of conflicts that have to do with human psychology and the hidden battles men often wage against each other while scarcely being aware of it.

This story is about the voyage of a merchant ship as it sails from Bombay to England, with its crew working as one to ensure everything is in good order. At first nothing seems amiss, as the sailors maintain overall friendly relations at the surface, with everyone simply doing his job. When it becomes clear that the condition from which James Wait – a West Indian black sailor on board the ship – was suffering from tuberculosis, however, the true colors of each individual on the vessel is shown.

Throughout Wait’s struggle, we are shown how both solidarity and complete indifference can find its way into the heart of men, and change their actions, from the most heroic, to the most unfortunate.

Written in 1897, this short novella is one of Conrad’s most well-received works about life at sea, alongside his best novel, Heart of Darkness. At its heart, the story explores the relation between humanitarianism and self-gratification, Conrad hinting that all efforts for showing sympathy to others are essentially ego-driven.

This compelling, apparently simple and yet so intricate tale is quite moving, and features characters that will surprise you through their genuine ability to mimic human judgment and emotion. Conrad’s book is undoubtedly one of the great works of literary art of the late 19th century.

Product ID: 9781776663651
Sku: PY-B24M-3PSV