
The Machine That Saved the World

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SKU: 9781775428985 Category:


Murray Leinster and his Amazing Stories collection are known for their unique outlook and influence on sci-fi which changed the genre forever. Leinster’s remarkably quirky and original stories have captivated and delighted readers for many years, and while many of his plots are hardly believable, some – including the one in The Machine That Saved the World–explores concepts that will challenge your thinking and beliefs quite extensively.

The Machine That Saved the World is mainly a story about machines, although Leinster’s quirky and somewhat intriguing characters definitely don’t fail to make an appearance, as well as a lasting impression on the reader. The plot revolves around strange machines that are able to communicate on amateur TV bands from the future, and in some cases, even destroy less advanced receivers.

The strange signals cause significant agitation, as the Communications Commission takes up the case to explore the unusual artificial interference. From Sergeant Bellows and his fascination for strange machines, to Research Installation 83 and the mysterious seemingly meaningless patterns appearing on some TV screens, the story unfolds in a fascinating manner that will keep you at the edge of your seat throughout the read, and lead to an unexpected conclusion worth waiting for.

Leinster’s The Machine That Saved the World is undoubtedly an original story and a valuable piece of science fiction history dating back more than half a century. While portraying a possible future that for today’s readers is part of the past, it is surprising and quite interesting to see how Leinster’s approach is still quite methodical, while his conclusions on the development of society and technology became, over time, a curious account of a possible alternate timeline that, in some ways, could still occur.

Product ID: 9781775428985
Sku: E3-AJZF-EU41