
The Life of Richard Nash, Esq., Late Master of the Ceremonies at Bath

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The Life of Richard Nash, Esq., Late Master of the Ceremonies at Bath

Thus none can properly be said to write history, but he who understands the human heart, and its whole train of affections and follies, Those affections and follies are properly the materials he has to work upon. The relations of great events may surprise indeed ; they may be calculated to instruct those very few, who govern the million beneath but the generality of mankind find the most real improvement from relations which are levelled to the general surface of life ; which tell, not how men learned to conquerr, but how they endeavoured to live ; not how they gained the shout of the admiring croud, but how they acquired the esteem of their friends and acquaintance. Every man’s own life would perhaps furnish the most pleasing materials for history , if he only had candour enough to be sincere, and skill enough to feled; such parts as once making him mere prudent, might ferve to render his readers more cautious. There are few who do not prefer a page of Montaigne or Colley Cibbevy who candidly tells us what they thought of the world, and the world thought of them, to the more stately memoirs and transactions of ropty where we see Kings pretending to immortality, that are now almost: forgotten, and statesmen planning frivolous negotiations, that scarce outlive the signing. It were to be wished that ministers and Kings were left to write their own histories ; they are truly useful to few but themfelves ; but for men whp are contented with more humble stations, I fancy such truths only are serviceable as may conduct them safely through life That knowledge which we can turn to our real benefit should be moll eagerly pursued. Treasures which we cannot use but little encreate the happiness or even the pride of the possesor. I profess to write the history of a man placed in the middle ranks of life ; of one, whole vices and virtues were open

Product ID: 9781776755134
Sku: 9781776755134