
The Life and Adventures of Alexander Selkirk

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The Life and Adventures of Alexander Selkirk

Alexander Selkirk was born in the year 1676, and was the seventh son of John Selkirk, shoemaker and tanner, in Largo, Scotland. His mother looked upon him as one that would pass through some great events and she resolved to have him push his fortune at sea, where he went in his nineteenth year, to escape the rebuke of his unruly conduct. He was from home six years ; and again being guilty of very bad behavior, and having beaten a young infirm brother, and raised a riot in his father’s house, he was publicly reprimanded: upon this, he left home, and being a skilful seaman, was appointed Sailing Master, in a vessel called the Cinque Ports— a small sailor which went in company with captain Dampier to the South Sea. Having quarrelled with his captain, and having had a dream that his ship would be wrecked, he resolved to quit it, and was set on shore at the uninhabited island of Juan Fernandez, He had scarcely left the boat, when he sorely repented, and he " never heard a sound more dismal than their parting oars." From the beginning to the end of September, the vessel remained undergoing repairs. The disagreement, instead of being made up, became greater every clay, and streno-thened the resolution which Selkirk had made to leave the vessel. This was accordingly concluded on, and just before getting under way, he was landed with all his effects ; and he leaped on shore with a faint sensation of freedom and joy. He shook hands with his comrades, and bade them adieu in a hearty manner, while the officer sat in the boat urging their return to the ship, which order they instantly obeyed ; but no sooner did the sound of their oars, as they left the beach, fall on his ears, than the horrors of being left alone, cut off from all human society, perhaps forever, rushed upon his mind. His heart sunk within him, and all his resolution failed. He rushed into t

Product ID: 9781776754656
Sku: 9781776754656