
The Friendly Terrace Quartette (or Peggy Raymond At The Poplars)

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SKU: 9781776726059 Category:


First released in 1920, making Peggy and her companions prepare for The World War. Juvenile men they had recognized as little boys are enlisting to train and battle as combatants, while the girls find a way to offer some help. Priscilla, and Amy meet with Peggy in The Land Army to aid in agricultural work simply left to men of the time. Ruth, of poorer health condition, must stay in the Friendly Terrace but achieves to look for her own means to be helpful. In the post of The Land Army, referred to as The Poplars, Peggy, Priscilla, Amy and several other young ladies who have come to give assistance, exploring their strong points and limitations, surprises and victories.

Harriet Lummis Smith is also known for these stories such as Pollyana of the Orange Blossoms; Pollyana’s Jewels; Pollyana’s Debt of Honor; The Uncertain Glory; Pat and Pal; The Peggy Raymond Series: Peggy Raymond’s Success or The Girls of Friendly Terrace; Peggy Raymond’s Vacation or Friendly Terrace Transplanted; Peggy Raymond’s School Days or Old Girls and New; Peggy Raymond’s Way or Blossom Time at Friendly Terrace; and some other stories.

This include sections on: The Exodus; A Cottage Re-Christened; Getting Acquainted; A Study in Natural History; A Safe and Sane Fourth; The Picnic; The Cottage Besieged; Hobo to the Rescue; Ruth in the Rôle of Heroine; Mrs. Snooks’ Education; Dorothy Gets Into Mischief; The New Lucy; A Benefit Performance; Aunt Abigail is Mislaid; Priscilla’s Looking-Glass; Peggy Makes a Speech; A Plain Talk; The Castaways; The Rescue and Home Sweet Home.

Friendly Terrace held a look of rest and comfort. School has ended until September, and now that the worry of final examinations was set out, no one is likely acquired of enough strength to try anything more burdensome than plying a palm-leaf fan…

Product ID: 9781776726059