
The Defeat of Youth and Other Poems

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The Defeat of Youth and Other Poems is the third collection of poetry written by the poet himself, Aldous Leonard Huxley. The collection is composed of 42 poems with themes such as nature, love, sonnets, youth, summer, emotions or feelings, lengthy poems, thoughts, existence, celebrations, flowers, season, and other entertaining and optimistic poems.

Aldous Leonard Huxley was a British author, novelist, philosopher, and outstanding member of the Huxley family. He finished his studies from Balliol College at the University of Oxford and awarded with a first – class honours in English literature. He delved into writing novels. He was popular for his novels such as Brave New World, in the setting of a dystopian future; non-fiction books, including The Doors of Perception, which narrates the reality and struggles when taking a psychedelic drug; and a large number of essays. He was one of the editors of the magazine Oxford Poetry and wrote short stories and poetry. He wrote travel essays, film stories, and scripts. He was elected by the Royal Society of Literature as a Companion of Literature.

Aldus Leonard Huxley was also a humanist, pacifist, and satirist. He was influenced by spiritual subjects like parapsychology and philosophical mysticism, particularly universalism. He was highly regarded as among the most important intellectuals and was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature many times in different years. He won other awards such as James Tait Black Memorial Prize and American Academy of Arts and Letters Award of Merit for his works, After Many a Summer Dies the Swan and Brave New World, respectively.

He was born in Godalming, Surrey, England to Leonard Huxley, a writer and schoolmaster, and his wife, Julia Arnold Huxley, who established Prior’s Field School. His family and relatives were best known to be a family who were very well-educated.

Product ID: 9781776669837