
The Cellar-House of Pervyse

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SKU: 9781776729975 Category:


Mairi Chisholm and Elsie Knocker were two English nurses and drivers of an ambulance whose astoundingly gallant exertions throughout The Great War rescued many wounded people and gotten them lifetime integrity. They were particularly famous for their willpower to take care for the injured militias on the front rows rather than taking them at bigger dangers to “safer” hospitals, notwithstanding several of their acts went straightly against the official governmental protocols. Then they made something for which they are highly recognized. They agreed to abandon the corps and establish their own dressing post 5 miles east in a village called Pervyse, north of Ypres, only 100 yards from the dugouts. There, in an empty cellar which they labeled the “Poste de Secours Anglais” (“British First Aid Post”), the two would stay the following three and a half years treating the ill-fated in the Belgian division. Knocker offered much of the medication, while Chisholm brought the wounded to the hospital 15 miles away, ofttimes in poor situations and terribly burned. Not anymore associated with the Belgian Red Cross, they were compelled to earn their own income.

With contributions, they prepared for the cellar to be reconstructed with concrete and to have a steel door attached, furnished by Harrods. Amidst utter persistence Knocker was already finished preparing for the two of them to be appropriately upheld to the Belgian military base located there.

Product ID: 9781776729975
Sku: XX-4D09-NW13