
Pathological Lying, Accusation, and Swindling – A Study in Forensic Psychology

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The study of the famous psychologist Dr. William Healy is an in-depth analysis of lying, one of the most commonly met behavioral problems, and of its pathological forms.

SKU: 9781775422600 Category:


Product ID: 9781775422600
Sku: 9.78178E+12

The study of the famous psychologist Dr. William Healy is an in-depth analysis of lying, one of the most commonly met behavioral problems, and of its pathological forms.

The book is written in collaboration with Mary Tenney Healy, the wife of the author, who was a reputed psychologist herself. The declared purpose of the work is to serve as guidance for the Juvenile Court of Illinois, in establishing penalties for the crimes committed by delinquents manifesting one of the analyzed problems.

Even from the beginning, the authors offer an exact definition of pathological liars and of those who falsely accuse other people of their own crimes. The description of each behavioral problem is very detailed, so that the judges can better categorize a certain criminal when the case is brought to their attention.

The introductory part of the study also contains an explanation on why, although it produces less negative consequences, swindling was a subject of interest for the authors. The statements of the two psychologists are backed up by examples of famous judicial cases involving swindlers.

In the five chapters of the book, numerous cases of young boys and girls manifesting the behavioral issues that make the object of the study are presented. From their early stages to the point when they resulted in condemnable acts, the distorted manifestations that made the young assume false identities or create an elaborated web of lies are carefully analyzed.

According to the authors, the social background and the family environment are the main factors that influence the young delinquents’ behavior. In some of the presented cases, however, the deviances they manifest cannot be explained by external circumstances, so the psychologists have to dig deeper.