
Fairy Tales from Brazil

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SKU: 9781776723997 Category:


Fairy Tales from Brazil, with its subtitle, How and Why Tales from Brazilian Folk-Lore, is a volume of short fiction, many of those are originating myths and legends from Brazilian Indian Folklore.

Appreciation are to those who published the Little Folks, Kindergarten-Primary Magazine, Everyland, Mayflower and Story Tellers’ Magazine for the honor of republication of the stories which they have released.

It was late in the afternoon in Elsie’s Brazilian garden of flowers. The glinting blue of sea and sky which signifies a hot day has become passive and there are magenta hues starting to get ready for the splendor of the sunset. A lazy lizard crawls up the white wall. The praise of the sabiá, that amazing Brazilian bird, made soothing music from the kingly palm tree. The wind is strong with the scent of the orange bloom. This is how the story writer describes her day in her wonderful garden, reminiscing those times while writing her spectacular fairy tales.

The stories include: I. How Night Came; II. How The Rabbit Lost His Tail; III. How The Toad Got His Bruises; IV. How The Tiger Got His Stripes; V. Why The Lamb Is Meek; VI. Why The Tiger And The Stag Fear Each Other; VII. How The Speckled Hen Got Her Speckles; VIII. How The Monkey Became A Trickster; IX. How The Monkey And The Goat Earned Their Reputations; X. How The Monkey Got A Drink When He Was Thirsty; XI. How The Monkey Got Food When He Was Hungry; XII. Why The Bananas Belong To The Monkey; XIII. How The Monkey Escaped Being Eaten; XIV. Why The Monkey Still Has A Tail; XV. How Black Became White; XVI. How The Pigeon Became A Tame Bird; XVII. Why The Sea Moans; and lastly, XVIII. How The Brazilian Beetles Got Their Gorgeous Coats.

Product ID: 9781776723997