Erec and Enide is the first of Chrétien de Troyes’ five poems of romance. It is an addition of his three accomplished writings. Comprising of almost 7000 lines of Old French, the poem is included as the earliest gotten Arthurian romance poems in countless dialects, preceded only by the Welsh prose literature Culhwch and Olwen. Erec and Enide recalls the story of Erec son of Lac, and his marriage to Enide, a deprived daughter of a Vavasor from Lalut. An unshielded Erec is holding on to Guinevere as a companion while other knights partake in a solitary trail not far in Cardigan when a mysterious knight and his dwarf move toward the queen and deals with her servant gruffly. The Queen directs Erec to track the knight, Yder, in a distant village where he runs into and ignites love with Enide. Erec wins over Yder, in a competition to win a bird for the loveliest woman in the village. Erec upholds Enide’s splendour and she goes in front to take the bird. They went back to Enide’s father, who grants them blessing to marry. Enide turned down Erec’s gifts of new clothes and brings her to Arthur’s court in her unkempt dress. Despite of how she looks, the courtiers notice Enide’s characteristic landed gentry and Queen Guinevere dons her in one of her own fully embellished gowns. Chrétien de Troyes was a late 12th century French poet and trouvère well known for his books on Arthurian themes, and for creating the famous Lancelot. This story epitomizes many of the highly recognized old fashioned fiction. His writing style, mostly in Yvain, the Knight of the Lion, was marked as a progression of the present day novel. Less is known about him, but he is likely to come from Troyes, or in any case closely related with it.
Product ID: 9781776722617
Sku: QH-Q26M-14PT