
Ballad of the Tempest

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Ballad of the Tempest is a rhyme about sea voyage, with passengers on board. There came a huge storm in the middle of the night which frightened everyone, making sleep to become impossible. All of them offered their prayers to God, praying that they will be safe and sound. When all of a sudden, the sea captain shouted that they are lost. His young daughter asks him if God is in the ocean, the same as He is in the land. Her father planted her a kiss, and with hope, battled through the storm and finally reached their destination.

James Thomas Fields was a United States American publisher, editor, and poet. He was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and baptized him James Field; the family thereafter added the letter “s” to their surname. His father was a ship captain and died before James was just 3 years old. He and his brother were looked after by their mother and her siblings, their aunt Mary and uncle George. At 14 years old, James worked at the Old Corner Bookstore in Boston as an apprentice to issuers Carter and Hendee. His first produced verse was contained in the Portsmouth Journal in 1837 but he attracted much prestige when, on September 13, 1838, he addressed his Anniversary Poem to the Boston Mercantile Library Association.

In 1839, he associated himself with William Ticknor and became a junior partner in the publishing and bookselling company referred to after 1845 as Ticknor and Fields. Ticknor administered the industrial part of the company while Fields was its literary professional. He was recognized for being easy going, for his capability to look for artistic flair, and for his capability to indorse writers and earn their trustworthiness. With this business, James became the publisher of primary contemporary American authors, with whom he was on rapports of friendly personal camaraderie. He was also the American publisher of several of the well known British authors of his days, several of whom he also knew dearly.

Product ID: 9781776727339