
A Question of Courage (in Short Science Fiction Collection 040 )

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A Question of Courage (in Short Science Fiction Collection 040 )

I smelled the trouble the moment I stepped on
the lift and took the long ride up the side of
the "Lachesis." There was something wrong. I
couldn’t put my finger on it but

five years in the Navy gives a man a feeling for these things. From the
outside the ship was beautiful, a gleaming shaft of duralloy, polished
until she shone. Her paint and brightwork glistened. The antiradiation
shields on the gun turrets and launchers were folded back exactly
according to regulations. The shore uniform of the liftman was spotless
and he stood at his station precisely as he should. As the lift moved
slowly up past no-man’s country to the life section, I noted a work
party hanging precariously from a scaffolding smoothing out meteorite
pits in the gleaming hull, while on the catwalk of the gantry standing
beside the main cargo hatch a steady stream of supplies disappeared into
the ship’s belly.

I returned the crisp salutes of the white-gloved sideboys, saluted the
colors, and shook hands with an immaculate ensign with an O.D. badge on
his tunic.

"Glad to have you aboard, sir," the ensign said.

"I’m Marsden," I said. "Lieutenant Thomas Marsden. I have orders posting
me to this ship as Executive."

"Yes, sir. We have been expecting you. I’m Ensign Halloran."

"Glad to meet you, Halloran."

"Skipper’s orders, sir. You are to report to him as soon as you come

Product ID: 9781776804252
Sku: 9781776804252