on _addCustomSchedule($schedules) { if ( $this->checkPeriod && ($this->checkPeriod > 0) ){ $scheduleName = 'every' . $this->checkPeriod . 'hours'; $schedules[$scheduleName] = array( 'interval' => $this->checkPeriod * 3600, 'display' => sprintf('Every %d hours', $this->checkPeriod), ); } return $schedules; } /** * Remove the scheduled cron event that the library uses to check for updates. * * @return void */ public function removeUpdaterCron() { wp_clear_scheduled_hook($this->cronHook); } /** * Get the name of the update checker's WP-cron hook. Mostly useful for debugging. * * @return string */ public function getCronHookName() { return $this->cronHook; } /** * Remove most hooks added by the scheduler. */ public function removeHooks() { remove_filter('cron_schedules', array($this, '_addCustomSchedule')); remove_action('admin_init', array($this, 'maybeCheckForUpdates')); remove_action('load-update-core.php', array($this, 'maybeCheckForUpdates')); if ( $this->cronHook !== null ) { remove_action($this->cronHook, array($this, 'maybeCheckForUpdates')); } if ( !empty($this->hourlyCheckHooks) ) { foreach ($this->hourlyCheckHooks as $hook) { remove_action($hook, array($this, 'maybeCheckForUpdates')); } } } } endif;