es() ); // Delete HPOS tables tool. if ( $this->custom_orders_table_usage_is_enabled() || $this->data_synchronizer->data_sync_is_enabled() ) { $disabled = true; $message = __( 'This will delete the custom orders tables. The tables can be deleted only if the "High-Performance order storage" is not authoritative and sync is disabled (via Settings > Advanced > Features).', 'woocommerce' ); } else { $disabled = false; $message = __( 'This will delete the custom orders tables. To create them again enable the "High-Performance order storage" feature (via Settings > Advanced > Features).', 'woocommerce' ); } $tools_array['delete_custom_orders_table'] = array( 'name' => __( 'Delete the custom orders tables', 'woocommerce' ), 'desc' => sprintf( '%1$s %2$s', __( 'Note:', 'woocommerce' ), $message ), 'requires_refresh' => true, 'callback' => function () { $this->features_controller->change_feature_enable( self::CUSTOM_ORDERS_TABLE_USAGE_ENABLED_OPTION, false ); $this->delete_custom_orders_tables(); return __( 'Custom orders tables have been deleted.', 'woocommerce' ); }, 'button' => __( 'Delete', 'woocommerce' ), 'disabled' => $disabled, ); return $tools_array; } /** * Delete the custom orders tables and any related options and data in response to the user pressing the tool button. * * @throws \Exception Can't delete the tables. */ private function delete_custom_orders_tables() { if ( $this->custom_orders_table_usage_is_enabled() ) { throw new \Exception( "Can't delete the custom orders tables: they are currently in use (via Settings > Advanced > Features)." ); } delete_option( self::CUSTOM_ORDERS_TABLE_USAGE_ENABLED_OPTION ); $this->data_synchronizer->delete_database_tables(); } /** * Handler for the individual setting updated hook. * * @param string $option Setting name. * @param mixed $old_value Old value of the setting. * @param mixed $value New value of the setting. */ private function process_updated_option( $option, $old_value, $value ) { if ( DataSynchronizer::ORDERS_DATA_SYNC_ENABLED_OPTION === $option && 'no' === $value ) { $this->data_synchronizer->cleanup_synchronization_state(); } } /** * Handler for the setting pre-update hook. * We use it to verify that authoritative orders table switch doesn't happen while sync is pending. * * @param mixed $value New value of the setting. * @param string $option Setting name. * @param mixed $old_value Old value of the setting. * * @throws \Exception Attempt to change the authoritative orders table while orders sync is pending. */ private function process_pre_update_option( $value, $option, $old_value ) { if ( DataSynchronizer::ORDERS_DATA_SYNC_ENABLED_OPTION === $option && $value !== $old_value ) { $this->order_cache->flush(); return $value; } if ( self::CUSTOM_ORDERS_TABLE_USAGE_ENABLED_OPTION !== $option ) { return $value; } if ( $old_value === $value ) { return $value; } $this->order_cache->flush(); if ( ! $this->data_synchronizer->check_orders_table_exists() ) { $this->data_synchronizer->create_database_tables(); } $tables_created = get_option( DataSynchronizer::ORDERS_TABLE_CREATED ) === 'yes'; if ( ! $tables_created ) { return 'no'; } $sync_is_pending = 0 !== $this->data_synchronizer->get_current_orders_pending_sync_count(); if ( $sync_is_pending && ! $this->changing_data_source_with_sync_pending_is_allowed() ) { throw new \Exception( "The authoritative table for orders storage can't be changed while there are orders out of sync" ); } return $value; } /** * Callback to trigger a sync immediately by clicking a button on the Features screen. * * @return void */ private function sync_now() { $section = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'section' ); if ( 'features' !== $section ) { return; } if ( ! filter_input( INPUT_GET, self::SYNC_QUERY_ARG, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ) ) { return; } if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_GET['_wpnonce'] ?? '' ) ), 'hpos-sync-now' ) ) { WC_Admin_Settings::add_error( esc_html__( 'Unable to start synchronization. The link you followed may have expired.', 'woocommerce' ) ); return; } $this->data_cleanup->toggle_flag( false ); $this->batch_processing_controller->enqueue_processor( DataSynchronizer::class ); } /** * Tell WP Admin to remove the sync query arg from the URL. * * @param array $query_args The query args that are removable. * * @return array */ private function register_removable_query_arg( $query_args ) { $query_args[] = self::SYNC_QUERY_ARG; return $query_args; } /** * Handler for the woocommerce_after_register_post_type post, * registers the post type for placeholder orders. * * @return void */ private function register_post_type_for_order_placeholders(): void { wc_register_order_type( DataSynchronizer::PLACEHOLDER_ORDER_POST_TYPE, array( 'public' => false, 'exclude_from_search' => true, 'publicly_queryable' => false, 'show_ui' => false, 'show_in_menu' => false, 'show_in_nav_menus' => false, 'show_in_admin_bar' => false, 'show_in_rest' => false, 'rewrite' => false, 'query_var' => false, 'can_export' => false, 'supports' => array(), 'capabilities' => array(), 'exclude_from_order_count' => true, 'exclude_from_order_views' => true, 'exclude_from_order_reports' => true, 'exclude_from_order_sales_reports' => true, ) ); } /** * Add the definition for the HPOS feature. * * @param FeaturesController $features_controller The instance of FeaturesController. * * @return void */ private function add_feature_definition( $features_controller ) { $definition = array( 'option_key' => self::CUSTOM_ORDERS_TABLE_USAGE_ENABLED_OPTION, 'is_experimental' => false, 'enabled_by_default' => false, 'order' => 50, 'setting' => $this->get_hpos_setting_for_feature(), 'additional_settings' => array( $this->get_hpos_setting_for_sync(), ), ); $features_controller->add_feature_definition( 'custom_order_tables', __( 'High-Performance order storage', 'woocommerce' ), $definition ); } /** * Returns the HPOS setting for rendering HPOS vs Post setting block in Features section of the settings page. * * @return array Feature setting object. */ private function get_hpos_setting_for_feature() { if ( 'yes' === get_transient( 'wc_installing' ) ) { return array(); } $get_value = function() { return $this->custom_orders_table_usage_is_enabled() ? 'yes' : 'no'; }; /** * ⚠️The FeaturesController instance must only be accessed from within the callback functions. Otherwise it * gets called while it's still being instantiated and creates and endless loop. */ $get_desc = function() { $plugin_compatibility = $this->features_controller->get_compatible_plugins_for_feature( 'custom_order_tables', true ); return $this->plugin_util->generate_incompatible_plugin_feature_warning( 'custom_order_tables', $plugin_compatibility ); }; $get_disabled = function() { $plugin_compatibility = $this->features_controller->get_compatible_plugins_for_feature( 'custom_order_tables', true ); $sync_complete = 0 === $this->get_orders_pending_sync_count(); $disabled = array(); // Changing something here? might also want to look at `enable|disable` functions in CLIRunner. if ( count( array_merge( $plugin_compatibility['uncertain'], $plugin_compatibility['incompatible'] ) ) > 0 ) { $disabled = array( 'yes' ); } if ( ! $sync_complete && ! $this->changing_data_source_with_sync_pending_is_allowed() ) { $disabled = array( 'yes', 'no' ); } return $disabled; }; return array( 'id' => self::CUSTOM_ORDERS_TABLE_USAGE_ENABLED_OPTION, 'title' => __( 'Order data storage', 'woocommerce' ), 'type' => 'radio', 'options' => array( 'no' => __( 'WordPress posts storage (legacy)', 'woocommerce' ), 'yes' => __( 'High-performance order storage (recommended)', 'woocommerce' ), ), 'value' => $get_value, 'disabled' => $get_disabled, 'desc' => $get_desc, 'desc_at_end' => true, 'row_class' => self::CUSTOM_ORDERS_TABLE_USAGE_ENABLED_OPTION, ); } /** * Returns the setting for rendering sync enabling setting block in Features section of the settings page. * * @return array Feature setting object. */ private function get_hpos_setting_for_sync() { if ( 'yes' === get_transient( 'wc_installing' ) ) { return array(); } $get_value = function() { return get_option( DataSynchronizer::ORDERS_DATA_SYNC_ENABLED_OPTION ); }; $get_sync_message = function() { $orders_pending_sync_count = $this->get_orders_pending_sync_count(); $sync_in_progress = $this->batch_processing_controller->is_enqueued( get_class( $this->data_synchronizer ) ); $sync_enabled = $this->data_synchronizer->data_sync_is_enabled(); $sync_is_pending = $orders_pending_sync_count > 0; $sync_message = array(); $is_dangerous = $sync_is_pending && $this->changing_data_source_with_sync_pending_is_allowed(); if ( $is_dangerous ) { $sync_message[] = wp_kses_data( sprintf( // translators: %d: number of pending orders. _n( "There's %d order pending sync. Switching data storage while sync is incomplete is dangerous and can lead to order data corruption or loss!", 'There are %d orders pending sync. Switching data storage while sync is incomplete is dangerous and can lead to order data corruption or loss!', $orders_pending_sync_count, 'woocommerce' ), $orders_pending_sync_count, ) ); } if ( ! $sync_enabled && $this->data_synchronizer->background_sync_is_enabled() ) { $sync_message[] = __( 'Background sync is enabled.', 'woocommerce' ); } if ( $sync_in_progress && $sync_is_pending ) { $sync_message[] = sprintf( // translators: %d: number of pending orders. __( 'Currently syncing orders... %d pending', 'woocommerce' ), $orders_pending_sync_count ); } elseif ( $sync_is_pending ) { $sync_now_url = wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array( self::SYNC_QUERY_ARG => true, ), wc_get_container()->get( FeaturesController::class )->get_features_page_url() ), 'hpos-sync-now' ); if ( ! $is_dangerous ) { $sync_message[] = wp_kses_data( sprintf( // translators: %d: number of pending orders. _n( "There's %d order pending sync. You can switch order data storage only when the posts and orders tables are in sync.", 'There are %d orders pending sync. You can switch order data storage only when the posts and orders tables are in sync.', $orders_pending_sync_count, 'woocommerce' ), $orders_pending_sync_count ) ); } $sync_message[] = sprintf( '%2$s', esc_url( $sync_now_url ), sprintf( // translators: %d: number of pending orders. _n( 'Sync %s pending order', 'Sync %s pending orders', $orders_pending_sync_count, 'woocommerce' ), number_format_i18n( $orders_pending_sync_count ) ) ); } return implode( '
', $sync_message ); }; $get_description_is_error = function() { $sync_is_pending = $this->get_orders_pending_sync_count() > 0; return $sync_is_pending && $this->changing_data_source_with_sync_pending_is_allowed(); }; return array( 'id' => DataSynchronizer::ORDERS_DATA_SYNC_ENABLED_OPTION, 'title' => '', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'desc' => __( 'Enable compatibility mode (synchronizes orders to the posts table).', 'woocommerce' ), 'value' => $get_value, 'desc_tip' => $get_sync_message, 'description_is_error' => $get_description_is_error, 'row_class' => DataSynchronizer::ORDERS_DATA_SYNC_ENABLED_OPTION, ); } /** * Returns a value indicating if changing the authoritative data source for orders while there are orders pending synchronization is allowed. * * @return bool */ private function changing_data_source_with_sync_pending_is_allowed(): bool { /** * Filter to allow changing where order data is stored, even when there are orders pending synchronization. * * DANGER! This filter is intended for usage when doing manual and automated testing in development environments only, * it should NEVER be used in production environments. Order data corruption or loss can happen! * * @param bool $allow True to allow changing order storage when there are orders pending synchronization, false to disallow. * @returns bool * * @since 8.3.0 */ return apply_filters( 'wc_allow_changing_orders_storage_while_sync_is_pending', false ); } /** * Returns the count of orders pending synchronization. * * @return int */ private function get_orders_pending_sync_count(): int { return $this->data_synchronizer->get_sync_status()['current_pending_count']; } } 187752221X | Listnerz Audio Books Fri, 27 Feb 2015 07:59:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Art Of War Fri, 27 Feb 2015 03:46:01 +0000
“The most useful and important book ever written for aspiring leaders.” – Toronto Sun Times The Art of War presents a complete philosophy of war for managing conflicts and winning clear victories. Although created over two thousand years ago It is still widely accepted as a masterpiece on strategy, referenced by generals and theorists throughout history Generals study this work to learn how to manage armies. Corporate executives read it to gain the upper hand on the economic battlefield. Coaches will refer to it in order to get the most out of their teams and gain advantages in the competitive world of athletics. The ordinary person with read it to gain new ways of looking at life from a competitive stand point Sun Tzu teaches the importance of knowing yourself, your enemy, and reacting to a situation quickly as it presents its self. He goes into detail explaining when to press and attack, when to set an ambush, and when to retreat – Listed on the USA Marine Corps Professional Reading Program. – Australian cricket coach John Buchanan handed out excerpts from the book to his players before a match against England in 2001. – The Art of War is allegedly a favorite of University of South Carolina football head coach Steve Spurrier. – Soccer coach Luiz Felipe Scolari used the book to plan his team’s win against England in the 2006 FIFA World Cup. Tracks: Laying Plans Waging War Attack by Strategem Tactical Dispositions Energy Weak Points and Strong Maneuvering Variation in Tactics The Army on the March Terrain The Nine Situations The Attack by Fire The Use of Spies “All warfare is based on deception.” MP3 compatible player (or a computer) required to play this CD Version: Unabridged Language: English Reader: Solo Male Format: MP3 CD Tracks / Chapters: 13 Chapters Total running time: 1:47:19
Version: Unabridged
Reader: Solo Male / English
Format: MP3 Audio CD
Tracks / Chapters: 13 Chapters
Total running time: 1:47:19
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